The Calvary Baptist Church of Detroit

"Church of the Open Door: Year of the Lord's Favor" Revelation 3.8; Luke 4.18-19

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Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Litany

In every era, God has chosen men and women to serve the needs of his people. Such a servant was Martin Luther King. Jr., whose birth we celebrate. We are deeply thankful for the life of this twentieth century prophet.

May the wisdom and words of Martin Luther King rekindle our faith.

May the deep love that Dr. King had for all people to be released in us, that we too might work might work miracles in the lives of those who continue to hate.

Dr. King taught that only love can overcome hatred, bitterness and fear.

May his struggle for social transformation continue in this generation. May all people come to believe that with a perseverance? "We Shall Overcome".

"But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an overflowing stream." (Am. 5.24)

May the work of Dr. King continue to eradicate racial injustice and its ungodly consequences.

Dr. King pursued his dream for racial equality by appealing to the conscience of his enemies.

May we continue to cultivate the nonviolent discipline of Dr. King abandoning unrestrained acts of force.

He taught us that a heart full of grace and love is just as important as an education.

May the spirit of Dr. King continue to flow through our daily living.

He believed in self-respect and dignity, even thought he knew that there would be difficult days ahead.

May we have the courage of Dr. King as we continue to stand up for justice, reconciliation and truth, despite challenge and controversy.

Dr. King said that war is never a victory, regardless of outcome.

May the peace of the risen Christ cause the fury of war to vanish from the face of the earth.

Dr. King went to the mountain top; he saw the Promised Land; and he reassured us that we will get there one day. God of Glory, be with us on the journey.